Instant Coffee

The Brazilian instant coffee industries produce a wide range of products that cater to both the domestic and international markets. The products offered by ABICS member companies present different formats, with specific features and qualities. Some of these products reach the final consumer through the brands of the member companies or through partners, which can be roasting industries, distributors or packaging companies, with their own labels. Find below details about each of the products.


Spray dried is the instant coffee powder; during its production process the coffee extract is subjected to high temperatures and pressure, which elevates the product concentration and makes it volatile. Then, the material is pumped to the top of a tower where is undergoes pulverization, being exposed to hot air, which makes the product lose its moisture and convert to powder.

The coffee extract is used as a base product in the manufacturing of food and beverages that contain coffee, being largely used by the food service industry, restaurants and hotels. It is a concentrate (aqueous form) that preserves the coffee’s aromas and flavors.

Made from the spray dried coffee that undergoes an agglomeration process in a specific equipment that combines the powder and steam, with ideal pressure and speed to obtain the desired granulometry. The final product is uniform and easy to dissolve, with excellent atributes of aroma and flavor.

The green coffee oil is obtained from the cold pressing of the coffee beans, being a versatile product, used by the food industry and increasingly by the cosmetics industry.

In order to obtain the freeze dried coffee, the extract is freezed at -40°C followed by the grinding and sublimation processes (with water going straight from the solid to the gaseous stage). It is a dehydration process that preserves the aromatic attributes of the product, generating a high bodied coffee with superior quality.

Product obtained from the blend of coffee extract concentrate with sugar, which are dried in a spray-drying tower. It is directed towards the final consumer, specially in international markets.

Production Process

The complex industrial process of instant coffee production involves high-end technology and strict quality standards (and no human contact with the product). Instant coffee is made from Arabica and Robusta/Conilon coffee varieties, and results from the dehydration of the roasted coffee aqueous extract. It is composed of coffee and water, only. In order to be commercialized in Brazil, soluble coffee cannot present any additives or preservatives. The stages of soluble coffee production (and its different formats) can be summarized as follows:

History of Instant Coffee

From the beginning to the present day, instant coffee has undergone a series of transformations until reaching what we know today. Discover this story and enjoy instant coffee!

The origin of instant coffee dates back to 1901, when Mr. Satori Kako, a Japanese chemist living in Chicago, USA, invented an instant coffee powder, sold during the PanAmerican Exposition in New York. Years later, this product was adapted by an American chemist that created the refined instant coffee, which could be commercialized in larger scale.

Decades went by until a big opportunity arose from the surplus of coffee stored in Brazilian warehouses during the 1930s world crisis. Swiss companies were asked to study ways of transforming this stored coffee into “ice cubes” that could preserve the coffee attributes for longer periods and that could be sold to consumers.

It was Nestlé’s chemist, Mr. Max Morgenthaler, that developed a solution and in 1937 presented a coffee powder easy to be solved in water for consumption, that also presented features that resembled those of fresh coffee. Nestlé then financed the manufacturing of this innovative product, launching Nescafé in 1938, an immediate success in Europe and the United States; and used by American soldiers during the Second World War (due to its practicality and easy preparation).

In Brazil, instant coffee arrived in 1953; efforts to attract and install soluble industries were made from the 1960s on, when the majority of the companies associated to ABICS were founded and started activities. Brazil has been the world’s leading soluble coffee producer and exporter since then.

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